Ivan Romagnolo

May I introduce myself My name is Ivan Romagnolo and I was born in 1969. I have a great passion for Pipes. I live in Italy in Mongrando, Piedmont, which is in the Province of Biella I made my first pipe only a few years ago, but Romagnolo Pipe was conceived in 1982 when, at the age of 13, I went for the first time to the newsstand in Bianze where I lived at the time in the Province of Vercelli. The newsagent was a Pipe Smoker, and it happened that he was smoking his pipe when I first entered his shop. Perhaps, because I was very young, perhaps it was destiny, but I was kidnapped by the rituality and the aromas – that scent between sweet and I don‘t know what, is when I fell in love with the pipe I did not immediately begin to smoke pipes, or to build them. The desire to build one came to me after twenty-five years of experience as a cabinetmaker, an experience that allowed me to acquire that manual skill and knowledge of the fundamental woods to create those that, for me, are small works of art which I now share with you fundamental to perfecting my technique was the knowledge of an elderly (and very experienced) pipemaker in my area who shared with me part of his vast experience. In 2015, after almost 25 years of activity, I decided to put my experience as a restorer and cabinetmaker at the service of construction of pipes, and since then I have dedicated myself to only that bringing my pipes to the market allows me to share with you the unique feelings that a pipe can give. I hope that amongst my creations you can find your faithful companion of moments of relaxation and meditation.

Pipe in offerta

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